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Phil Smalley welcomed everyone and opened the meeting at 7.35pm


Nine Apologies from Members have been received via e-mail.

In addition, Phil offered Apologies on behalf of the Mayor of La Vinuela and Ignacio, from Comono Comunicaciones.

Minutes of Last Meeting

No comment received. Minutes adopted.

Matters Arising


Annual Reports

Reports had been issued in advance by e-mail.

Acceptance was proposed by Peter Dibden, seconded by Elizabeth Blancke and voted in unanimously.

Election of Officers

Phil confirmed that the 3 main Officers were willing to stand again.

Most of the other current members of the Committee are willing to continue.

Kath Williams resigned during the year. She has made significant contributions in the all areas of our work – especially Fundraising and Publicity – and we offer our grateful Thanks and Best Wishes for the future.

No one else came forward to offer to join the Committee.


Phil explained that one of our tasks had been to negotiate the availability of Insurance against Demolition and this is now available. As only two members had indicated any interest, we could not justify an invitation to the Company Representative to attend this evening. Any member who wants to discuss should contact Phil in the first instance.

He offered Thanks to Committee Members for their work and to their partners for the support they have given.

Presentation by Comono Comunicaciones

In Ignacio’s absence, Phil presented a screen display which gave a summary of the publicity work carried out throughout the year.

We have been employing this Company to represent us and publicise our plight and activities within political circles and the Spanish media.

We are happy with their efforts on our behalf in bringing and keeping our name to the attention of appropriate bodies.


Mario gave a presentation regarding “Legalities”.

3 Scenarios:

1) – Pre 1975 constructions are Legal ( In most cases )

2) – Constructions between 1975 and 17/01/2003 may be classified as Legal if all permits are correct ( but possibly only 10 cases comply throughout Malaga Province )

3) – Post 1975 = Illegal

So, “Can I Legalise “ ?

If you have a Building Licence and a Certificate of First Occupation and the build complies with the Licence and a ”Reasonable Time “ has elapsed since the construction was completed – then this may now be possible. Alcaucin has, to date, submitted 20 such cases to the Junta for consideration and all have been declared ok.

Each case will be treated on merit, but If you wish your property to be assessed, you should go to your Town Hall and request a Non-Revision Certificate. If appropriate, this will be submitted to Malaga and a decision should be made within 30 days. In successful cases, a Certificate of First Occupation should be granted. For all houses over 8 years old with no procedures against them, the Town Hall may grant a Certificate to guarantee that no demolition can take place.

Government Changes

Phil confirmed that Juan Marin, of Ciudadanos, has been appointed Vice President of the new Coalition and that he is aware of and sympathetic to our cause. It was too close to the date of this meeting to invite anyone from the new Administration, but we will be making contact with the new Official responsible for Planning to try to arrange a meeting as soon as possible.

Phil also recounted that, during a recent debate on “Climate Change”, PSOE had vetoed a motion, introduced by AUAN, to allow the supply of gas and electricity to “Illegal “homes in Almeria. The new President of Andalucia, Juanma Moreno, complained about this decision and has PROMISED to solve the problems of families who are suffering. Let us hope this will lead to the much-vaunted AMNESTY FOR ALL that has been muted as the sensible solution to our cases.

Mario Confirmed that Foreign Residents will still be allowed to vote in the Municipal Elections on 26th May.

Questions from the floor:

Q: Mario was asked to remind people that they must register to vote by 30th January, if not already registered.

A: Confirmed

Q: You mentioned 2 Laws in the Presentation, but only explained one

A: They are the same – the second is an up-date.

Q: Last year, it was mentioned that properties may be “Legalised” after 18 months.

A: What was meant was the process can commence in October 2020 for properties which will be more than 8 years old as at October 2020 – ie built before October 2012 – if no procedures have been instigated against said properties.

AOB. A request for summary notes to be placed on the Website – This will be done, along with issue of the Minutes.

Following the Raffle, and in conclusion, Phil thanked everyone for their attendance.

Images from the meeting here.