May 2010
Welcome to my new monthly column kindly hosted by Spanish Insight Magazine. Here I intend to keep you up to date with events concerning SOHA.ES.
I’m sure you will all agree with me that the March 17th demonstration was a huge success. Thanks to every one who helped make it happen.
A great deal has happened since the demonstration some good, some bad, but all very interesting. First the good news, I hear that the Priors (the couple who had their house demolished in Almanzora and have been living in a garage for two years) have moved into their new rented home paid for by the Ayuntamiento. We wish them both the best in their new home and hope that it wont be too long before they get their much deserved compensation.
The corresponding bad news is that just down the road in Albox 5 more homes are under the threat of demolition since the promoter was charged with illegal construction. As we demanded at our demonstration can we at least expect that the compensation happens BEFORE the demolitions?
Ensuring that none of our members has their house demolished is our number one priority. To this end we have developed a plan that will put people between the bulldozers and a house within an hour, notify the press and stop the demolition happening. To make this plan work we need volunteers to join small teams ready to respond quickly to a member’s call. If you are up for it then send an email to [email protected]
In Sevilla a reshuffle in the Junta has seen Juan Espadas go and the ex communist mayor of Cordoba, Rosa Aguilar, take his place as Director of Planning and Housing. We hope she is more ready for discussion than her predecessor. We have sent her a letter offering to help her solve the problems. We will let you know her response.
More close to home Juan Millan, the Mayor of La Viñuela, has been found guilty of “ignoring town planning procedures”. He receives a 15 year ban from office and a 13,500€ fine. I’ll let you make your own minds up as to whether you think the punishment fits the crime but the interesting thing is that following the elections in May next year Viñuela will have a new Mayor. SOHA.ES is currently considering whether to put some councilors up for election. There are more than 600 brits living in Viñuela, if even half of them registered to vote and supported us then we could be a controlling influence in the Ayuntamiento. Watch this space but feel free to let us know your thoughts my mailing me at
The Malaga demonstration was a huge success, but expensive. The cost of organising the event was close to 1000€. As a result, fund raising is a vital activity. On Saturday we held a fund raising event at Morenos raising over 1000€ from the auction and the raffle. Well done to everyone who gave them time and effort to making the night a success. Our next event is a quiz night at Bar Atila in Puente Don Manuel on May 22nd at 7pm. The entry fee is 10€ per head to include a meal. Tickets will be in demand so get one early from Pauline on 606441495, in Zalia Properties (near Meson Sara) or from Attila’s. See you there.