Informative talks

This is a special event organized to inform everyone of the meaning of DAFO. Also, the PGOU for Viñuela (provisional) has been approved by the Pleno of the Ayuntamiento and we have just had confirmation. This meeting will be attended by mayors from Alcaucín as well as La Viñuela and other local villages.

See the poster below for more information.

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ZURGENA Obtains approval for its town plan

ZURGENA: Obtains approval for its town plan. We all hope for solutions that do not take 20 years.

After 14 years Zurgena announces that it has an approved town plan and informs residents that it will take another 6 years to do the detailed planning and execution bringing the total cycle to 20 years.

A timescale that represents a systemic failure as far as we are concerned and we hope for more agile solutions to illegal houses from the new government.

Read the original post here.