Success for SOHA.ES and other groups
Good morning all,
Myself, Fernando, Kath Williams and Jose Manuel Ariza of Arenas attended the Senate yesterday on your behalf.
As you can see from the attached press release we were successful,together with AUAN and AMA(from Cantabria)in persuading the ruling Partido Popular to accept the amendment to the law.The vote in favour was practically unanimous(one contra)
We have now been successful in changing the Penal Code and Civil Code of Spain to ensure that all buyers in good faith are compensated if the house has to be demolished.
Regards to all
Philip Smalley
The PP supports groups such as SOHA.ES affected by buying irregulars houses in Málaga
Read the full report here.
Home owners win compensation battle in Senate
Read the full report here.
Click images to enlarge,
Buenos dias a todos,
Yo mismo, Fernando, Kath Williams y José Manuel Ariza de Arenas asistieron al Senado ayer en su nombre.
Como se puede ver en la nota de prensa adjunta tuvimos éxito, junto con AUAN y AMA (de Cantabria) en persuadir al gobernante Partido Popular de aceptar la enmienda a votación law.The a favor fue prácticamente unánime (uno contra)
Ahora hemos tenido éxito en cambiar el Código Civil y Código Penal de España para garantizar que todos los compradores de buena fe son compensados si la casa tiene que ser demolido.
Saludos a todos
Philip Smalley
El PP respalda a colectivos como SOHA.ES de afectados al comprar casas irregulares en Málaga
Mas informacion aqui