More positive news
Great news as the two main parties, the PSOE and PP come together and agree to pass this change in the law;
“The call for a change in the law to oblige the authorities to find full compensation before a house bought in good faith and later labelled as ‘una vivienda ilegal’ could be demolished has, against all odds, been approved by the Senate. Congratulations to the AUAN and the SOHA.ES. It fell to the Mayor of Almería, who is also a senator for the PP, Luis Rogelio Rodríguez Comendador, to pass on the good news: ‘The parliamentary groups in the Senate have agreed on Wednesday an amendment to the Penal Code reform that will allow a judge to postpone the demolition of illegal dwellings, which were bought in good faith, until compensation to their owners is secured'”. (
Once in place it will up to the PSOE to review the changes to be made in the LOUA to end the problems we all have been facing over the past years.
We hope they keep their promises
We’ll bring you more as things develop.
Meanwhile here are some links to the original stories;
PP agrees to halt demolitions until compensation is paid here.
Europa Press article here.