Another report on the situation in Axarquia
Many foreign residents have complained that the Decreto 2/2012 de la Junta de Andalucía which deals with houses built on green-belt land does not take into account that their homes were built with town-hall-issue building permissions, adhering strictly to approved projects.
The said association, Save Our Homes de la Axarquía (SOHA.ES), considers that their cases cannot be dealt with in the same manner as those property owners who built their properties without any municipal consent, whatsoever. The Chairman of SOHA.ES pointed out that they shouldn’t be paying the consequences for errors committed by the town halls, as SOHA.ES members acted in good faith and obedience of the law.
Many of their members live in fear of having their dream homes demolished after court sentences have annulled their building permissions. They also find it odd where some houses have had their building permissions annulled while many houses around them in the same situation have not.
Read the full article here.